“Thanks to this machine we are able to produce faster and more accurately than ever before”

P. van Eijzeren Machinebouw B.V.

A successful combination of Van Eijzeren and the STYLE MC1500

P. van Eijzeren Machinebouw B.V., specialized in mechanical engineering and construction, specializes in engineering, construction, machining and assembly. We come up with creative solutions for technical problems. We are practice-oriented and love personal contact.

We translate wishes into a design, which is then engineered in detail and then built in our workshop. Finally, the structure or machine is assembled and commissioned on site by our assembly team.

Three months ago, at the end of May, we at P. van Eijzeren Machinebouw B.V. made a big step by integrating the MC1500 CNC machine into our production environment. Since then we have used this machine intensively and our experiences have been very positive. The machine is not only fast, but also exceptionally accurate in dimensions. This combination of speed and precision has had a direct impact on our production processes.

The benefits

The introduction of the MC1500 has delivered significant benefits to our business. Thanks to this machine we are able to produce faster and more accurately than ever before. The efficiency of our processes has noticeably improved; production times have been shortened and accuracy has increased significantly. This means we can deliver more products in a shorter time without sacrificing quality.

Another major advantage is the flexibility and customization options that the machine offers. We have opted for some additional options to further optimize our process. These adjustments enable us to fulfill specific customer-specific requirements that were previously difficult to achieve. The machine is more accurate than our older machines, so we can now meet the highest customer standards without any problems.

New possibilities

The collaboration with STYLE CNC Machines during the purchase and implementation of the CNC machine went smoothly. We received sufficient support during the process and the installation was professionally carried out by an external party. The training provided was useful, although in retrospect we would have liked a little more time to fully immerse ourselves in the new technology. Nevertheless, we can say that the overall experience was positive.

The technological capabilities of our company have been significantly increased by the MC1500. The machine is equipped with a 4th axis, which allows us to process more complex products. In addition, the larger table ensures higher productivity because we can process multiple workpieces at the same time. This has led to new possibilities in both design and production and has further improved our workflow.

Van Eijzeren

Customer focus

As we all know, customer focus is crucial in our industry, and the MC1500 plays an important role in helping us meet our customers’ demands. A specific example of this is the recent machining of a wok shaft that we previously performed on a lathe. With the MC1500 we now achieve better results, allowing us to deliver products on time and according to the customer’s exact specifications.

While we haven’t been using the machine long enough to fully attribute measurable results to the MC1500, we are already noticing that 1-to-1 products are being produced faster. We look forward to the future expansion of our CNC use, for example through integration with robots for an even more efficient production process. This will allow us to continue production even at night, which will boost the growth of our business.


Our advice to companies considering purchasing a CNC machine is simple: do it! It is an investment that quickly pays for itself. Good preparation is essential; consider matters such as the correct placement, foundation and route planning. STYLE CNC Machines can also help with this.

Our overall experience with the MC1500 and the collaboration with STYLE CNC Machines is excellent. If we had to summarize our collaboration in one word, it would be ‘service-oriented’. The people at STYLE respond quickly and adequately to questions and problems and always honor your agreements. This is exactly why we chose STYLE CNC Machines and we are very satisfied with this decision.